A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole bunch of YARN! This is Me! This is my life.....

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


One more my friends for 2008!

I didn't drink much at all this year.....so I would guess it was Dee.

As most of you know, I am a song whore.....so I usually really like my call tone on my phone....so call me and you can hear atleast one of the faves. hehehe

Cathy......who definitely earned that award this year when I trusted her with some stuff! I love you my friend!

time spent with friends, Sundays with Lishy, 2 visits this year from Cathy!

The Flood of course and dealing with the idiots in my life!lol

Hmmmm???? I would say Thanksgiving! The food was yummy Dee and I got to see Cathy the next day!

Twilight!!!! and Mama Mia!

myself and some chocolate. =)

my friends of course!

a knitty kitty

didn't eat out much this year.......probably Carino's and Tapatios.

Do you even need to ask????? The Fucktard! UGH!

To say No to Cereal Killer!

to keep going like I am going and hope for the best.

I wasn't drunk! lol

Well I didn't have cable...so I would say Charmed on dvd.

All my friends are loyal. If you weren't...you'd be outta here! =)

Would my obsession for pink be a change or just an added quirkyness????? hehehe

To be myself no matter what!

Happy New Year my friends!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Coming to a close

Well it's that time. The end of another year and so time to do all the bloggy remembering......

So here is a meme:


lost a friend?
No, my frienships for the most part actually got stronger.

stayed single almost the whole year?
haha... no....... actually FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR!!!

kissed someone new?
sure did.

had your heart broken?
no not really, they can't break your heart if they don't even know they had it, right?

had a stalker?
alomst, but he has calmed down and stayed away.

done something you've regretted?
can't think of anything.......maybe regretted NOT doing something instead.

were involved in something you'll never forget?
Yes, a couple of different things. The date I cancelled and everyone gave me a hard time about....proved myself right on that one! lol........my first ever blind date in my whole life.........it turned out great....no love connection but fun!.....and The Flood........opened my eyes on so many different things.

visited a different country?
Only in my dreams..

lost something important to you?
not that i can think of....

got a gift you adored?
I adore all gifts,lol.....especially if they are PINK!

dyed your hair?

read a great book?
I consumed the Twilight series and want my own Edward.......right now! Please!

saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?

2008:Your Love Life (ooooh this is gonna be fun.....NOT!)

Did you break up with anyone?

Did you get anything for Valentine's day?
I think Jessie got me a card and a candy bar.

Did you meet anyone special?
yes, but they don't know that they are special to me.

Did you fall in love?
I don't seem to be lucky in the love department. I fall...no one catches me. hehehe

Do you like someone right now?
Yes, I like my friends!!!

2008: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year?
I met Spuds! and others.

Did you dislike anyone?
actually yes, till I got to know her.

Did you make any new enemies?
ummmm... no... everyone likes me!!! lmao

Did you resolve any fights?
I tried...and maybe did too good of a job cause she went back to live with her dad! wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Did you grow apart from anyone?
I wouldn't say grow apart.....I distanced myself from them.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
Just that I wished I could have spent more time with some of them.

2008:Your BIRTHDAY!

Did you have a cake?

no, I had brownies.

Did you have a party?

Did you get any presents?

If so what was the best thing you got?
I loved it all from a simple birthday wish to a Hobby Lobby gift card!

2008: All about YOU

Did you change at all this year?
I still stuck hard to being just myself.

Did you get your hair cut?
ummmmm....NO! It doesn't grow! and if someone else tells me they think I looked better when I had long hair and I should let it grow out...I'm gonna scream!!!! I would grow it if I could dammit!

Did you change your style?
I became just a tiny bit......OK A LOT....obsessed with the color PINK!

Did you have a job?
sure did. 8th year there.

Did you drive?
yes. - duhh...

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Did you move at all?
haha... does getting out of bed count?

Did you go on any vacations?

Would you change anything about yourself now?
Yeah, I would give myself the ability to go out and get what I want instead of waiting here.........

2008: 2009

Was 2008 a good year?
for the most part, yes

Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
I sure hope so!

2009 Plans - Goals and Resolutions.....

To keep being myself no matter what. To try and not sweat the little things that go wrong in my life. and to have......ummmmmmmmm............again!!!!!! hehehehe

Pink of the Week(3)

The Pink purchases today made at Hobby Lobby with my Christmas gift cards.....

2 pink sets of dpns...........Dee's couch ate one of my others and hasn't yet decided to spit it back out.

Wool in two shades of pink for either felted bowls or a cool purse on one of the labels.

Pink funfur yarn for a shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh project that I don't want to talk about quite yet.

2 skeins of worsted weight for my crocheted boots.

Pink glitter stickers.

and.....plastic craft lacing in 3 shades of pink for I have no idea what but....Hey!!!! It was on clearance for 32 cents!!!!

I know you are dying to ask so I will answer the question.....Yes!!!! the cashier said" You like Pink right????".......hehehehe

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pink of the Week(2)

Dee and I went to the Pinkest store in the universe today.

Ooh la la........Victoria Secret!

I of course loved the sign on the wall!

I freaked when I saw they had a perfume that was called PINK! (I don't get out much! lol)

And......it smelled good! I doused myself with it before leaving the store! hehehe

And......you in the gutter......NO! I didn't get "anything else" pink there! =)

Monday, December 15, 2008


Me and Lishy celebrated our Christmas together yesterday!

We came up with the idea of making "Yarn survival kits" a couple of months ago.

Here in all is it's awesomeness is what she got me....

From top left:

The kit. A white lunch box she attached happy pink and orange fabric to, plus a purple fabric bow.

The little cntainer that contained stitch markers she made for me in pinks,purples and blues and she made three that said Yarn Chick Emma!

Sweet Pea lotion and hand sanitizer cause I love the scent and cause duhhhhh it's PINK! lol

Theraputic craft gloves.....cause I have some awful carpal tunnel flare ups and cause they look much more stylish than my hand braces!

A container of chibi curved tapestry needles!

2 yarncakes of bamboo yarn...ohhhhh so soft and yummy. Pink and blue!

Pink mini scissors!!!!!

A little purple bag with needle protector "socks"...which is awesome cause mine always get up and walk away.hehehe

A color wheel and a color chart! I've wanted these for like forever to help make color combinations for projects!

And also in the kit but not pictured in this pic: A pair of size 8 knitting needles and a whole set of crochet hooks ( D thru K)!!!!!

I think Lishy went kinda overboard with the kit but I absolutely love it and love her!

Can't wait to make this a tradition and get started on next years!

you can see the kit I made her posted on her blog!

Pink of the Week

This is gonna be a new weekly posting of something a la pinkness!

This week: a PINK wet floor sign that popped up mysteriously at the laundry mat after I flooded it that time! ROFLOL!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm Odd.....so 50 odd things you should know about me...

I tied Lishy up, threw her in the closet , and stole this from her! hehehe =)

Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you...

1. Do you like blue cheese? Nope, I think it is really gross and I LOVE MOST CHEESES!!!!!
2. Do you own a gun? Nope but I sleep with a big black wooden police issued stick (ASP)
3. Wax or Shave your body parts? I shave everything but my eyebrows and I get them threaded.
4. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yep, that's why I don't go.
5. Real or fake nails? I got fake at the moment but the boobs are real! ROFLOL!
6. Favorite Christmas song? the chestnuts roasting on an open fire one.
7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? a frap
8. Can you do push ups? probably
9. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? the ring of my mom and in the summer I like my anklet.
10. Favorite hobby? anything that involves yarn.
11. Do you have A.D.D.? how would I did you see that chicken know?
12. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I don't go and get what I want.
13. Middle Name? Louise
14. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? hmmmmm, wtf?, and are you freaking serious????
15. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? faps, diet pepsi, water
16. Current worry right now? That my check on Friday won't cover what I need it to.
17. Current hate right now? Hate is too harsh a word.
18. Favorite place to be? Wherever I'm comfortable and with people who like being around me.
20. Like to go Shopping? Depends on what I'm shopping for
22. Do you own slippers? Yep but i don't wear them.......I really hate stuff on my feet.
23. What color shirt are you wearing ? gray
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? it depends who is on the sheets with me! hehehe
26. Favorite color? ummmm I am not sure????........PINK! duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
27. Would you be a pirate? Can I be his wench????
28. What songs do you sing in the shower? rub rub rub I like to scrub....only kidding...that is a song a 5 year old was singing to me at school the other day.lol
29. Favorite girl's name? Well, duh, mine lol
30. Favorite boy's name? I got one but I ain't telling.
31. What's in your pocket right now? nothing. I don't have any pockets!
32. Last thing that made you laugh? probably Lishy at the laundry today.
33. Best bed sheets as a kid? My room was decorated in Holly Hobby
34. Worst injury you've ever had? would a broken heart count?
35. Do you love where you live? I like where I live. Is that good enough?
36. How many TV's do you have in your house? 2 but no cable.lol
37. Who is your loudest friend? probably Dee and that ain't a bad thing.
38. How many pets do you have? none
39. Does someone have a crush on you? I seriously doubt it.
40 What is your favorite book? It is a tie between Outlander and Twilight
41. What is your favorite candy? CHOCOLATE!
42. Favorite Sports Team? Colts
43. What were you doing 12 AM last night? trying to sleep
44. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Who in the hell was texting me that early!
45. Worst habit? waiting
46. Do you play an instrument? maybe
47. How long does it take you to get to work? if i didn't take Jess to school about 30 seconds.lol
48. Plans for the weekend? it's over.......
49. If you could eat anything right this second what would it be? Taco Bell sounds really good.
50. What's your favorite (still running) TV show? I don't watch t.v.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Have a Very Pinky Christmas!!!

Did you really expect anything less from me????? Nope! I didn't think so! hehehehe

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Power of Pink

As you may have comed to realize if you know me......I have become obsessed with PINK!

The color PINK makes me happy! lalalalalalalalala

Here are some of my new PINK thingys.......

A shiny pink laptop case from my sissy which I am using as a knitting bag.
The pink ball of yarn hanging in my car to mark the Yarnchick's territory.
A pair of Nikes that I found in the closet, once belonging to the teenager, but now claimed by me....because they have pink on them duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
My pink crock keychain that Cathy sent me.
and....a set of felted pink bowls that I made wayyyyyyyyyyyy before this pink thing hit me!

Awwwwwww..........Feel the joy of PINK my peoples!!!!.....=)

Saturday, December 06, 2008

COWLabunga Dude!!!

For those freakingly cold reccess duties.

It was a quick knit and I am very happy with it.

Wanna make another one in green to match my other coat.

But that will be after I finish the 3 projects I got going.