A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole bunch of YARN! This is Me! This is my life.....

Friday, October 17, 2008

Yes He Does!

I had heard that he did.....but I wasn't gonna believe it until I saw it with my own two Chicky eyes....

So Myself, Lishy, and Spuds all met at Starbucks!

And.....along with our yummy Fraps we........KNIT IN PUBLIC! YES!!!!!!!!!! All 3 of us!

He knits!!!! And he ain't gay!!! ROFLOL!

It was funny though when he went and got his knitting out of his truck and he had the yarn strung across the whole parking lot! hehehehe

A Beautiful fun day!!! Good friends! Nice sunny weather! Knitting! and of course a sexual remark or two from yours truely! and even gifts!!!! Spuds brought us gourmet popcorn! YUM!

Lets do it again!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it too.it was my first public knit.An yes I'd love to do it again