A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole bunch of YARN! This is Me! This is my life.....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

WWKIP 2009

Yesterday was World Wide Knit in Public Day. Lishy and I had the sticks and string agoing at the laundry mat last night.....nothing unusual for us..... She was working on a blanket and me a tank top.

Started the day out with knitting a red,white, and blue coaster for a friend.......realized the needles I had in my bag were way too little for it, ripped it out and pulled the crochet hook out and made two. I also crocheted a headband for my nephew.....yeah...that's a whole other story....ROFLOL!

So, this yarnchick actually had a Knip and Crip day!

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