A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole bunch of YARN! This is Me! This is my life.....

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Much Love For Mason- Dixon!

I found the blog for Mason Dixon and then found the book! I love everything in this knitting book! I am totally obsessed with it! I want to make it all!

My first creation from the book is a ball band dishcloth. The pattern was fun and I want to make tons of them. I remember my mom always used cotton dishcloths to wash the dishes. I remember one was green and cream. Maybe I will make one in those colors next as a "tribute".

Right now I am making a baby bib from the book for a friend who is due in October.

This book also makes you go crazy for Cotton yarn. And it's so cheap! Gotta love it!

Different Dishcloths

I am hooked on the dishcloths! Here's some more. These patterns came from a big book of 99 dishcloth patterns.

I love the color, it's Sugar n Creme Buttercream.

Organizing the Stash

Selling fireworks is over for the season so I can get back to my "normal" life. First thing I chose to do is clean up the yarn stash.

Wow, I have only been "collecting" yarn since January........

After the Stash Cleaning

It still looks like a lot. Didn't shrink. But I can now see everything and it will be so much easier to find exactly the yarn I need.

Gotta love Ziploc!

And now , of course, I want to go buy more yarn! LOL